If you are looking for ceiling repairs contractors you may consider us because we are accredited installation contractors and we are the leading ceiling repairs contractors in Gauteng. We provide both built up bituminous and single-ply membrane systems. All our jobs are carried out to current building regulations and we are able to provide completion certificates via the department of federation of ceiling repairs contractors South Africa. All of our work is carried out to comply with current regulations and as recommended by the department of federation of ceiling repairs Contractors. We are part of the following: MRCA (Metal ceiling repairs Contractors Association), SACHAS (South African Contractors Health and Safety), FRA (Flat ceiling repairs Alliance), RCJ (ceiling repairs Contractors Gauteng), SARCA (South African ceiling repairs Contractors Association), FTMRC (Federation of Traditional ceiling repairs Contractors), ARC (Accredited ceiling repairs Contractor). As ceiling repairs specialists and renowned contractors in Gauteng we can advise you in this regard.

We are highly experienced ceiling repairs contractors in Gauteng, and we are committed to the professional development of our staff, ensuring we are fully compliant with the construction skills certification, together with our trade memberships as listed above. Your ceiling repairs is the most valuable but also the most vulnerable area of a building, being exposed to all weathers and sometimes to such hazards as blocked gutters, decaying timbers and rot. If you need ceiling repairs sheeting has rusted and needs to be replaced by our ceiling repairs contractors. Whether it’s your home, office, shopping centres or factories we have experienced ceiling repairs contractors in Gauteng and we also have (residential ceiling repairs contractors, industrial ceiling repairs contractors who are equipped for any ceiling repairs project, regardless of size or time constraints.